Thursday, October 28, 2010

How do I love thee:

A Foreigner is Common Land

It’s weird but I feel like a stranger of sorts

A citizen but from a distant land

I hear the language but for some reason do not understand

I once felt like this place was home, but now I have no support, no resource, I feel as though I do not belong

No family, no friends I am lost and cannot fit in, how do I become a native and learn to get in

Can someone please help I am lost and confused, I don’t recognize anything, and it seems everything’s new

I want to adjust, find my place in this was familiar space

If only I could immerse myself in this new land, learn the language and find a helping hand

Someone to show me the way, then just maybe I would stay

And who knows, with the right skills, I could be a citizen and my own house I could build

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